Le centre de compétence scientifique s’engage à promouvoir la recherche en biodiversité. Il entretient le dialogue et la collaboration entre les scientifiques et les décideurs dans l’administration, la politique, l’économie et la société.en plus

Image : LaMantarraya, stock.adobe.comen plus

Guide on the production of assessments

The Multidisciplinary Expert Panel, supported by time-bound expert group, has developed a guide that serves as a ‘Roadmap’ and to focus on key elements assessment practitioners may want to take into account when undertaking an assessment within the context of IPBES.

The IPBES Guide on the Production of Assessments
Image : IPBES

The Guide has been developed for experts who are taking part in assessments approved under IPBES be they thematic, methodological or general assessments of biodiversity and ecosystems at global, regional and sub-regional level.

The Guide is also meant to assist those who might want to undertake IPBES inspired assessment at sub-regional, national and local level and to help facilitate that such assessments are compatible with larger scale IPBES approved assessments.

The Guide is a living document which will be updated and expanded overtime to reflect the work of the IPBES task forces, expert groups and experiences of experts involved in IPBES assessments.


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